Rheological Properties of Exopolysaccharide p-KG03 Produced by Marine Microalgae Gyrodinium impudicum strain KG03

  • 임정한 (한국해양연구원 해양자원본부 미생물실) ;
  • 김성진 (한국해양연구원 해양자원본부 미생물실) ;
  • 박규진 (한국해양연구원 해양자원본부 미생물실) ;
  • 안세훈 (한국해양연구원 해양자원본부 미생물실) ;
  • 이현상 (한국해양연구원 해양자원본부 미생물실) ;
  • 이홍금 (한국해양연구원 해양자원본부 미생물실)
  • Published : 2003.04.11


The rheological properties of exopolysaccharide, p-KG03, produced by marine microalgae Gyrodinium impudicum strain KG03 had been studied. The intrinsic viscosity of this p-KG03 was calculated to 65.22 and 50.75 $d{\ell}/g$ using Huggins and Kramer equations (xanthan gum 24.41 and 24.03). Aqueous dispersions at p-KG03 concentrations ranging from 0.1 to 1.0 % (w/w) showed marked shear-thinning properties as Power-Law behavior. In aqueous dispersions of p-KG03 1.0 %, consistency index (K) and flow behavior index (n) were 2,172 and 0.52. The apparent viscosity and the influence of shear rate on different conditions as p-KG03 concentrations, pH, NaCl, $CaCl_2$ and temperature in aqueous solutions were measured. And p-KG03 had mixed with aqueous solutions of xanthan gum and gellan gum, and invested the change of mixed aqueous solution behavior.

p-KG03의 고유점도는 65.22 및 50.75 $d{\ell}/g$ 이며, 사슬강도성은 0.170이였고, 특성화 농도는 0.114 g/l이었다. p-KG03은 non-Newtonic fluid로 Power-Low Model에 의한 pseudoplastic한 물성을 갖으며, 유체성으로 p-KG03 1%의 constancy index (K)는 2,172 cp, flow behavior index (n)는 0.52이었다. 특히 pH, 염 및 열에 안정하며 기존 다당류와의 혼합이용 가능성이 있을 것으로 생각된다.
