Tangible Space and Interactive Technology

  • 발행 : 2003.10.22


Recent advancement in information technology requires new interpretations for the space among human, machines and environment. Investigation of space between information and human could lead to the proper ways, in which human and machines meet. Various concepts regarding space have been explored in terms of “virtual reality in cyberspace” and “embodiment in tangible space.” “Mom (embodiment),” space, virtuality, sensation/perception, and interactive technology are some of the key ideas to be explored. Human “Mom” is such a fundamental membrane through which human can interact with the environment physically and mentally. An embodied interaction paradigm, based on “Mom,” is investigated. This leads to interactive technology paradigm. Sound space is an invisible but a tangible space in a sense that it travels in emotional tremors and stimulates new sensations and perceptions. Three cases are introduced to experiment such tangible space as a new and proper interactive paradigm. Also, a historical model of interaction is reviewed, which includes electrical, symbolic, textual, graphical, tangible, and social interaction.
