견인구동시스템 시험을 위한 개선된 프로그램어블 다이나모메터 제어

Improved Programmable-Dynamometer Control For Traction Drive System Testing

  • 발행 : 2003.05.01


The control method of programmable dynamometer for overall test of machine is to load the reference torque which is computed from torque transducer into motor under test. But the torque information detected from torque transducer have a lot of noise when the load torque of moter is a small quantity or changing. Thus, torque transducer must have a low pass filter to detect a definite torque information. But The torque delay generated by filter with torque transducer occur a torque trouble for meter torque of programmable dynamometer. The proposed system improved the problem of the torque measuring delay with torque transducer, and the load torque is estimated by the minimal order state observer based on the torque component of the vector control induction meter. Therefore, the torque controller is not affected by a load torque disturbance.
