Ultra Wideband (UWB) - Introduction and Signal Modeling

  • 발행 : 2003.11.03


Ultra Wideband is a new technology from commercial or civilian application viewpoint. It uses already allocated radio spectrum without causing significant interference to other users. It uses very low power, which is below the thermal noise of the receiver and is inherently difficult to detect by un-intentional users. Since, FCC approved the regulation for the commercial use of UWB in February 2002, the development of UWB technology is drastically gaining momentum. However, the technology itself is not new. It has already been used in military applications. UWB has three basic areas of applications, which are communication, positioning and imaging (UWB Microwave). The main commercial application will be for communication since it has very high data transfer rate for short distance. It can also be used for both indoor and outdoor 3-D positioning. Another important application is imaging like microwave remote sensing. An UWB sensor can pass through doors and walls and hence detect the objects inside the room. In this paper, we will introduce about UWB technology along with it’s various possible applications. We will also present some models to generate UWB signal and it’s analysis using signal-processing tools.
