Evaluation of Thermal and Water Stress on Vegetation from Satellite Imagery

  • Viau, Alain A. (Laboratory of agricultural geomatics and precision agriculture (GAAP), Department of Geomatics Sciences, Laval University) ;
  • Jang, Jae-Dong (Laboratory of agricultural geomatics and precision agriculture Laboratory (GAAP), Department of Geomatics Sciences, Laval University) ;
  • Anctil, Francois (Department of Civil Engineering, Laval University)
  • 발행 : 2003.11.03


To evaluate the thermal and water stress of vegetation canopy in Southern Qu$\'{e}$bec, leaf water status was evaluated from vegetation indices derived from SPOT VEGETATION images and surface temperature from NOAA AVHRR images. This study was conducted by investigating vegetation conditions for two different periods, from June to August, 1999 and 2000. The vegetation indices were integrated for the evaluating vegetation conditions as a new index, normalized moisture index (NMI). A trapezoid was defined by the NMI and surface temperature, and the thermal and water status of the vegetation canopy was determined according to separate small sections within the trapezoid.
