Reducing Spectral Signature Confusion of Optical Sensor-based Land Cover Using SAR-Optical Image Fusion Techniques

  • ;
  • Tateishi, Ryutaro (Center for Environmental Remote Sensing (CEReS), Chiba University) ;
  • Wikantika, Ketut (Department of Geodetic Engineering, Institute of Technology Bandung) ;
  • M.A., Mohammed Aslam (Center for Environmental Remote Sensing (CEReS), Chiba University)
  • 발행 : 2003.11.03


Optical sensor-based land cover categories produce spectral signature confusion along with degraded classification accuracy. In the classification tasks, the goal of fusing data from different sensors is to reduce the classification error rate obtained by single source classification. This paper describes the result of land cover/land use classification derived from solely of Landsat TM (TM) and multisensor image fusion between JERS 1 SAR (JERS) and TM data. The best radar data manipulation is fused with TM through various techniques. Classification results are relatively good. The highest Kappa Coefficient is derived from classification using principal component analysis-high pass filtering (PCA+HPF) technique with the Overall Accuracy significantly high.
