Moderate fraction snow mapping in Tibetan Plateau

  • Hongen, Zhang (Institute o f Remote Sensing Applications) ;
  • Suhong, Liu (Research Center for Remote Sensing & Geographic Information System Beijing Normal University) ;
  • Jiancheng, Shi (Institute for Computational Earth System Sciences, University of California)
  • 발행 : 2003.11.03


The spatial distribution of snow cover area is a crucial input to models of hydrology and climate in alpine and other seasonally snow covered areas.The objective in our study is to develop a rapidly automatic and high accuracy snow cover mapping algorithm applicable for the Tibetan Plateau which is the most sensitive about climatic change. Monitoring regional snow extent reqires higher temoral frequency-moderate spatial resolution imagery.Our algorithm is based AVHRR and MODIS data and will provide long-term fraction snow cover area map.We present here a technique is based on the multiple endmembers approach and by taking advantages of current approaches, we developed a technique for automatic selection of local reference spectral endmembers.
