송배전용 Al-Cu 접속금구의 신뢰도 향상에 관한 연구(II) 압축형 및 폭발용접형 접속금구의 내식성 비교

Study on the Improvement of the Reliability of Al-Cu Connections in Power Distribution Systems(II)

  • 발행 : 2003.11.13


As there expands the usage of Al-Cu connections to interface aluminum and copper in power distribution systems, efforts to mitigate the mechanical, electrical or electro-chemical degradation are widely spreading. The explosive bending technology, in particular, has been thought as a countermeasure for the degradation. In this paper, electrochemical analysis and optical microscopic observation are carried out in order to compare the corrosion resistivities of the commercial compression type bimetallic sleeve and the explosion type bimetallic sleeve. The results show that the explosive bonding technology can prevent the interfacial corrosion caused by the formation of crevices and pits as well as from galvanic potential difference.
