A Pilot Study on The Correlation of Acoustic Image and Sound Wave Form on Japanese /K/

청각인상과 음성파형간의 관계구명을 위한 일본어 /k/의 기초 연구

  • 이재강 (대전대학교 일어일문학과) ;
  • 권철홍 (대전대학교 정보통신공학과)
  • Published : 2003.05.01


Most Korean students who have not studied Japanese pronounced Japanese phoneme /k/ as /kk/ in Korean, regardless of sex. But analysis considering many phoneme environments gives us different results. Although the middle syllable which comes after 'the joon' does not show any specific distinctions, the rest cases show that the half of the subjects pronounced it as /kk/ and the other half as /k/. To draw concrete conclusions, further studies must be done.
