가스 엔진 구동 열펌프 실외기 엔진/압축기 진동 절연 설계

Designing isolation system for Engine/Compressor Assembly of GAS Driven Heat Pump

  • 발행 : 2003.05.01


A gas driven heat pump (GHP) core design comprises internal combustion engine, compressors incorporated to a cooling/heating system, rubber mountings and belt transmissions. Main excitation farces are generated by an engine, compressors themselves and belt fluctuation. It leads to high vibration level of the mount that can cause damage of GHP elements. Therefore an appropriate design of the mounting system is crucial in terms of reliability and vibration reduction. In this paper oscillation of the engine mount is explored both experimentally and analytically. Experimental analysis of natural frequencies and operational frequency response of the GHP engine mounting system enables to create simplified model for numerical and analytical investigations. It is worked out criteria f3r vibration abatement of the isolated structure. Influence of bracket stiffness between engine and compressors, suspension locations and damper performance is investigated. Ways to reduce excitation forces and improve dynamic performance of the engine-compressor mounting system are considered from these analyses. Implementation of the proposed approach permits to choose appropriate rubber mountings and their location as well as joining elements design A phase matching technique can be employed to control forces from main exciters. It enables to changing vibration response of the structure by control of natural modes contribution. Proposed changes lead to significant vibration reduction and can be easily utilized in engineering practice.
