자바 기반의 동력전달계 성능 시뮬레이션 시스템 개발

Development of a Powertrain Performance Simulation System in JAVA

  • 발행 : 2003.06.01


The development of a Web-based powertrain performance simulation system is introduced. The development approach of system architecture and each module is introduced along with the H/W and S/W used. The interface with all users is developed via a JAVA applet. The powertrain modeling and other job history data of a user is managed systematically on the server by database to increase the reusability of the data. A self-developed program using object-oriented programming is used as a solver for the performance simulation. The graph tool for the analysis of simulation results has the collaboration support developed based on JAVA so that synchronous users can view the same result. As a result, the powertrain simulation is possible only with Web-browser for the user and the collaboration support among the relevant engineers is possible.
