다자유도 구동스테이지와 비전시스템을 이용한 플립칩 본더 개발

Development of the Flip-Chip Bonder using multi-DOF Motion Stage and Vision System

  • 황달연 (한국산업기술대학교 에너지대학원) ;
  • 전승진 (한국산업기술대학교 에너지대학) ;
  • 김기범 (한국산업기술대학교 에너지대학원)
  • 발행 : 2003.06.01


In this paper we developed flip-chip bonder using XY stage, liner-rotary actuator and vision system. We depicted the major parts of the developed flip-chip bonder. Then we discussed several problems and their solutions such as vision and motion control, pick-up module position accuracy, separation of chip from the blue taped hoop, etc. We used a post guide to improve the horizontal positional accuracy against the long arm. Also, we used an ejector module and synchronization technique for easy chip separation from the blue tape.
