퍼지신경망을 이용한 자율주행 이동로봇의 실시간 제어

Real-Time Control for Autonomous Cruise of Mobile Robot Using Fuzzy Neural Network

  • 발행 : 2003.06.01


We propose a new technique for real-time controller design of a autonomous cruise mobile robot with three drive wheels. The proposed control scheme uses a Gaussian function as a unit function in the fuzzy neural network, and a back propagation algorithm to train the fuzzy neural network controller in the framework of the specialized learning architecture. It is proposed a learning controller consisting of two neural network-fuzzy based on independent reasoning and a connection net with fixed weights to simply the neural networks-fuzzy. The control performance of the proposed controller is illustrated by performing the computer simulation for trajectory tracking of the speed and azimuth of a autonomous cruise mobile robot driven by three independent wheels.
