Electronic Shielding Effectiveness of the Structure with Long-shape Aperture

Long-shape aperture를 갖는 구조물의 Electronic Shielding Effectiveness 연구

  • Heo, Yu (Mech. & Ind. Systems Eng., College., KHU) ;
  • Kim, Min-Ho (Mechanical Eng., Dept., Graduate school, KHU) ;
  • Kim, In-Seok (Electronics & Information, College, KHU) ;
  • Baek, Young-Nam (Mech. & Ind. Systems Eng., College, KHU)
  • 허유 (경희대 기계. 산업시스템공학부) ;
  • 김민호 (경희대 대학원 기계공학) ;
  • 김인석 (경희대 전자정보공학) ;
  • 백영남 (경희대 기계. 산업시스템 공학부)
  • Published : 2003.06.01


Wide spread using of mobile and handy electronic apparatus is giving rise to a question on the harmfulness of health and causing troubles when electical and electronic equipments are in use. This paper reports on the experimental results obtained by using a pliable and structured specimen that has a long shape aperture, made of stainless steel fibers. Based on the TEM mode transfer structure that was designed and manufactured through HFSS, we measured electromagnetic shielding effectives, where the network analyzer was applied. We could draw a conclusion from this research that the metal fabric showed a good electromagnetic shielding effect, mainly by means of the good reflex loss at the fiber surface. Even though the material itself possesses a good absorption loss. the specimen revealed that structural factors. e.g.. the shape of the aperture. the size of the aperture, etc., can have a more influence on the shielding effect than the components of material have. A special notice is required for modeling and analyzing the electromagnetic characteristics of metal fabrics, because there exists a strong possibility that multiple reflection can happen on the surface of metal fibers. which can presume a model of fiber bundle and fabric structure.
