타원형 고체잠입렌즈를 이용한 근접장 광자기 기록

Magneto-Optical Recording in Near-Field using Elliptic Solid Immersion Lens

  • 발행 : 2003.06.01


In conventional optical data storage numerical aperture (NA) cannot be over 1 because of diffraction limit. To overcome this limitation. solid immersion lens(SIL) have produced a great interest in near-field optical data storage. In conventional optical recording method, the dual lens system using object lens and SIL had been studied generally. But the conventional SIL system has some critical problems that must be solved. The problems are heat, contamination. alignment of optical components and so on. To solve these problems. this work proposes enhanced SIL which has several advantages for mechanical and optical issues. This new SIL system named elliptic SIL(ESIL) can use evanescent energy in near-field more effectively. In addition. because of applying the inside recording unlike previous surface recording, ESIL can clear up the problems. The design and analysis of ESIL art executed by using CODE V. Also, in this paper we composed actual data recording system and achieved recording experiment by applying ESIL to magneto-optical recording. In conclusion. we analyze the improvement of aerial density and the reasonability of application to real data storage system.
