Prospect of Information Technology and Its Application to Regional Agricultural Meteorology

지역농업기상지원을 위한 정보화기술 전망 및 활용

  • Published : 2003.09.01


Grid is a new Information Technology (IT) concept of "super Internet" for high-performance computing: worldwide collections of high-end resources - such as supercomputers, storage, advanced instruments and immerse environments. The Grid is expected to bring together geographically and organizationally dispersed computational resources, such as CPUs, storage systems, communication systems, real-time data sources and instruments, and human collaborators. The term "the Grid" was coined in the mid l990s to denote a proposed distributed computing infrastructure for advanced science and engineering. The term computational Grids refers to infrastructures aimed at allowing users to access and/or aggregate potentially large numbers of powerful and sophisticated resources. More formally, Grids are defined as infrastructure allowing flexible, secure, and coordinated resource sharing among dynamic collections of individuals, institutions and resources referred to as virtual Organizations. GRID is an emerging IT as a kind of next generation Internet technology which will fit very well with Agrometeorological services in the future. I believe that it would contribute to the resource sharing in AgroMeteorology by providing super computing power, virtual storage, and efficient data exchanges, especially for developing countries that are suffering from the lack of resources for their agmet services at national level. Thus, the establishment of CAgM-GRID based on existing RAMINSII is proposed as a part of FWIS of WMO.part of FWIS of WMO.
