The development of data analyzing system on decommissioning activities for Research Reactor

연구용 원자로 해체활동 데이터 분석 시스템 개발

  • Published : 2003.11.01


In decommissioning activities of nuclear facilities, the analyses and evaluations of data(man power, radiation exposure, waste outputs, equipments, etc ) is very important to accomplish effective decommissioning and dismantling. To handle the data from decommissioning activities of research reactor, we developed its database system. By using database system, we come to filter and analyze the date of decommissioning activities and we can evaluate the extraordinary decommissioning features of research reactor. It is likely to lay out and estimate the optimal plan of decommissioning. We expect that the database system of effective decommissioning activities build up the foundation of commercial reactor decommissioning.
