A solution of ID-overlapping in using Myproxy Server in GRID Portal

그리드 포탈에서 Myproxy 이용시 동일 ID 중복문제 해결방안

  • Published : 2003.11.01


Increasingly, Grid technics are developed and demonstrated widely. These days, a point to be considered is that clients use Grid resources more easily. Grid Portals, based on standard Web technologies, are increasingly used to provide user interfaces for using Grid resources. But, due to lack of delegation capabilities in using Grid resources through Grid Portals, it is requested of the security mechanisms. That solution is to using Myproxy Server. Myproxy Server allows Grid user to use Grid resources being interact with Grid Portals. But, while users log in Grid Portals, we are faced with over the overlap of users credentials. This paper describes relationship between Portals and Myproxy, and proposes the way to solve the problem of the overlap of users credentials.
