텔레매틱스 응용을 위한 다중센서통합의 이중 접근구조

Bimodal Approach of Multi-Sensor Integration for Telematics Application

  • 김성백 (한국전자통신 연구원 공간정보기술센터) ;
  • 이승용 (한국전자통신 연구원 공간정보기술센터) ;
  • 최지훈 (한국전자통신 연구원 공간정보기술센터) ;
  • 장병태 (한국전자통신 연구원 공간정보기술센터) ;
  • 이종훈 (한국전자통신 연구원 공간정보기술센터)
  • 발행 : 2003.11.01


In this paper, we present a novel idea to integrate low cost Inertial Measurement Unit(IMU) and Differential Global Positioning System (DGPS) for Telematics applications. As well known, low cost IMU produces large positioning and attitude errors in very short time due to the poor quality of inertial sensor assembly. To conquer the limitation, we present a bimodal approach for integrating IMU and DGPS, taking advantage of positioning and orientation data calculated from CCD images based on photogrammetry and stereo-vision techniques. The positioning and orientation data from the photogrammetric approach are fed back into the Kalman filter to reduce and compensate IMU errors and improve the performance. Experimental results are presented to show the robustness of the proposed method that can provide accurate position and attitude information for extended period for non-aided GPS information.
