The number of maximal independent sets of (k+1) -valent trees

  • 발행 : 2003.09.01


A subset S of vertices of a graph G is independent if no two vertices of S are adjacent by an edge in G. Also we say that S is maximal independent if it is contained In no larger independent set in G. A planted plane tree is a tree that is embedded in the plane and rooted at an end-vertex. A (k+1) -valent tree is a planted plane tree in which each vertex has degree one or (k+1). We classify maximal independent sets of (k+1) -valent trees into two groups, namely, type A and type B maximal independent sets and consider specific independent sets of these trees. We study relations among these three types of independent sets. Using the relations, we count the number of all maximal independent sets of (k+1) -valent trees with n vertices of degree (k+1).
