The role of defense-related genes and oxidative burst in the establishment of systemic acquired resistance to Xanthomonas campestris pv. vesicatoria in Capsicum annuum(oral)

  • Lee, S.C. (Laboratory of Molecular Plant Pathology, College of Life and Environmental Sciences, Korea University) ;
  • B.K. Hwang (Laboratory of Molecular Plant Pathology, College of Life and Environmental Sciences, Korea University)
  • 발행 : 2003.10.01


Inoculation of primary pepper leaves with an avirulent strain of Xanthomonas campestris pv. vesicatoria induced systemic acquired resistance (SAR) in secondary leaves. This SAR response was accompanied by the systemic expression of defense-related genes, a systemic microoxidative burst generating H2O2, and the systemic induction of ion-leakage and callose deposition in the non-inoculated, secondary leaves. Some defense-related genes encoding PR-1, chitinase, peroxidase, PR10, thionin, defensin and zinc-finger protein were distiilctly induced in the systemic leaves. The systemically striking accumulation of H$_2$O$_2$and strong increase in peroxidase activity in pepper was suggested to contribute to the triggering of cell death In the systemic micro-HRs, leading to the induction of SAR. Treatment of non-inoculated, secondary leaves with diphenylene iodinium (DPI), an inhibitor of the oxidative burst, substantially reduced the induction of some defense-related genes and subsequently SAR.
