From Recognition to Defense Responses in Rice Plant

  • Jwa, Nam-Soo (Department of Molecular Biology, Sejong University)
  • Published : 2003.10.01


When plants are infected by plant pathogens, rapid cell responses are initiated for further inhibition from fast invasion of pathogens. Hypersensitive response (HR) of plant is well known defense response stopping pathogenesis process through rapid cell death. However, informations on the signaling pathway from reception of pathogen by host plants to appropriate resistant responses are very limited to date. Efficient perception of infection by pathogens and well-programmed signalling mechanism for appropriate responses are important for survival of plants. Plant have developed a sophisticated network(s) of defense/stress responses, among which one of the earliest signalling pathways after perception (of stimuli) is the evolutionary conserved Rop GTPase and mitogen-activated protein kinase (MAPK) cascade.(중략)
