울산단층 주변 제4기 단층의 유형분류와 분절화

Classification of Quaternary fault types and segmentation around the Ulsan Fault System

  • 최원학 (한국전력공사 전력연구원) ;
  • 장천중 (한국전력공사 전력연구원) ;
  • 신정환 (한국전력공사 전력연구원)
  • 발행 : 2003.09.01


Quaternary faults found around the Ulsan Fault System can be divided into 4 types based on the fault outcrop features : Type I fault cuts basements and Quaternary deposits of which remain on both hangwall and footwall. Type II fault is developed only in Quaternary deposit. Type III fault has inclined unconformity after Quaternary faulting. Type IV fault is common type around the Ulsan fault system and has horizontal unconformity surface after cutting earlier Quaternary deposit. After erosion, later Quaternary deposit overlays on both old deposit and basement. The Ulsan Fault System consists of three segments at large scale from north to south based on the lineament rank and shape, Quaternary fault location, and slip rate. The segment boundaries are identified by the existence of the two intervals which show no lineaments and Quaternary faults. But, if detail fault parameters could be obtained and used in segmentation, it can be divided into more than three segments.
