The Question of Abnormalities in Mouse Clones and ntES Cells

  • Wakayama, Teruhiko (Laboratory for Genomic Reprogramming Center for Developmental Biology)
  • Published : 2003.10.01


Since it was first reported in 1997, somatic cell cloning has been demonstrated in several other mammalian species. On the mouse, it can be cloned from embryonic stem (ES) cells, fetus-derived cells, and adult-derived cells, both male and female. While cloning efficiencies range from 0 to 20%, rates of just 1-2% are typical (i.e. one or two live offspring per one hundred initial embryos). Recently, abnormalities in mice cloned from somatic cells have been reported, such as abnormal gene expression in embryo (Boiani et al., 2001, Bortvin et al., 2003), abnormal placenta (Wakayama and Yanagimachi 1999), obesity (Tamashiro et ai, 2000, 2002) or early death (Ogonuki et al., 2002). Such abnormalities notwithstanding, success in generating cloned offspring has opened new avenues of investigation and provides a valuable tool that basic research scientists have employed to study complex processes such as genomic reprogramming, imprinting and embryonic development. On the other hand, mouse ES cell lines can also be generated from adult somatic cells via nuclear transfer. These 'ntES cells' are capable of differentiation into an extensive variety of cell types in vitro, as well assperm and oocytes in vivo. Interestingly, the establish rate of ntES cell line from cloned blastocyst is much higher than the success rate of cloned mouse. It is also possible to make cloned mice from ntES cell nuclei as donor, but this serial nuclear transfer method could not improved the cloning efficiency. Might be ntES cell has both character between ES cell and somatic cell. A number of potential agricultural and clinical applications are also are being explored, including the reproductive cloning of farm animals and therapeutic cloning for human cell, tissue, and organ replacement. This talk seeks to describe both the relationship between nucleus donor cell type and cloning success rate, and methods for establishing ntES cell lines. (중략)
