네트워크 기반모델을 이용한 서울-부산간 고속철도 개통 후의 교통수단별 시장점유율 예측

A Network-Based Model for Estimating the Market Share of a High-Speed Rail System in the Korean NW-SE Corridor

  • 발행 : 2003.02.01


This research presents a novel application of static traffic assignment methods, but with a variable time value, for estimating the market share of a high-speed rail (HSR) in the NW-SE corridor of Korea which is currently served by the airline (AR), conventional rail (CR), and highway (HWY) modes. The proposed model employs the time-space network structure to capture the interrelations among all competing transportation modes, and to reflect their supply- and demand-sides constraints as well as interactions through properly formulated link-node structures. The embedded cost function for each network link offers the flexibility for incorporating all associated factors, such as travel time and fare, in the model computation, and enables the use of a distribution rather than a constant to represent the time-value variation among all transportation mode users. To realistically capture the tripmakers' value-of-time (VOT) along the target area, a novel method for VOT calibration has been developed with aggregate demand information and key system performance data from the target area. Under the assumption that intercity tripmakers often have nearly "perfect" travel information, one can solve the market share of each mode after operations of HSR for each O-D pair under the time-dependent demand with state-of-the-art traffic assignment. Aside from estimating new market share, this paper also investigated the impacts of HSR on other existing transportation modes.
