Ad hoc Software Rejuvenation for Survivability

  • Khin Mi Mi Aung (Department of Computer Engineering Hankuk Aviation Univ.) ;
  • Park, Jong-Sou (Department of Computer Engineering Hankuk Aviation Univ.)
  • Published : 2003.12.01


We propose the model of Software Rejuvenation methodology, which is applicable for survivability. Software rejuvenation is a proactive fault management technique and being used in fault tolerant systems as a cost effective technique for dealing with software faults. Survivability focuses on delivery of essential services and preservation of essential assets, even systems are penetrated and compromised. Thus, our objective is to detect the intrusions in a real time and survive in face of such attacks. As we deterrent against an attack in a system level, the Intrusion tolerance could be maximized at the target environment. We address the optimal time to execute ad hoc software rejuvenation and we compute it by using the semi Markov process. This is one way that could be really frustrated and deterred the attacks, as the attacker can't make their progress. This Software Rejuvenation method can be very effective under the assumption of unknown attacks. In this paper, we compute the optimum time to perform an ad hoc Software Rejuvenation through intrusions.
