Fusion technology in applied geophysics

  • Published : 2003.11.01


The visualization of three dimensional geophysical data is forcing a revolution in the way of working, and allowing the discovery and production of hydrocarbons at much lower costs than previously thought possible. There are many aspects of this revolution that are behind the scenes, such as the database structure, the storage and retrieval of data, and the exchange of data among programs. Also the user had changes where the interpreter (or manager, or processor) actually looks at and somehow interacts with the data. The use of opacity in volume rendering, and how its judicious application can assist in imaging geologic features in three dimensional seismic data. This revolutionary development of new technology is based on the philosophy of synergy of inter-disciplines of the oil industry. Group interaction fostered by large room visualization environments enables the integration of disciplines we strive for, by putting the petrophysicist, geologist, geophysicist, and reservoir engineer in one place, looking at one image together, without jargon or geography separating them. All these tools developed in the oil industry can be applied into the civil engineering industry also such as the prior geological and geophysical survey of the constructions. Many examples will show how three dimensional geophysical technology might make a revolution in the oil business industry now and in future. This change can be considered as a fusion process at data, information, and knowledge levels.
