Proceedings of the KIEE Conference (대한전기학회:학술대회논문집)
- 2003.07d
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- Pages.2633-2635
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- 2003
Genetically Optimized Fuzzy Polynomial Neural Networks Based on Fuzzy Set
퍼지집합 기반 진화론적 최적 퍼지다항식 뉴럴네트워크
Park, Byoung-Jun
(Department of electrical electronic and information engineering, Wonkwang university) ;
Park, Keon-Jun
(Department of electrical electronic and information engineering, Wonkwang university) ;
- Oh, Sung-Kwun (Department of electrical electronic and information engineering, Wonkwang university)
- Published : 2003.07.21
In this study, we propose a fuzzy polynomial neural networks (FPNN) and a genetically optimized fuzzy polynomial neural networks(GoFPNN) for identification of non-linear system. GoFPNN architecture is designed by a FPNN based on fuzzy set and its structure and parameters are optimized by genetic algorithms. A fuzzy neural networks(FNN) based on fuzzy set divide into two structures that is simplified inference structure and linear inference structure. The proposed FPNN is resulted from integration and extension of simplified and linear inference structure of FNN. The consequence structure of the FPNN consist of polynomials represented by networks using connection weights for rules. The networks comprehend simplified(Type 0), linear (Type 1), and quadratic(Type 3) inferences. The proposed FPNN can select polynomial type of consequence part for each rule. Therefore, proposed scheme can offer flexible structure design capability for a system characteristics. Moreover, GAs is applied to networks structure and parameters tuning of proposed FPNN, and its efficient application method is discussed, these subjects are result in GoFPNN that is optimal FPNN. To evaluate proposed model performance, a numerical experiment is carried out.