이족보행로봇의 걸음세 변화에 관한 최적화 연구

A Study on the Gait Optimization of a Biped Robot

  • 노경곤 (인하대학교 자동화공학과) ;
  • 김진걸 (인하대학교 전자전기공과부)
  • 발행 : 2003.07.21


This study deals with the gait optimization of via points on biped robot. ZMP(Zero Moment Point) is most important index in a biped robot's dynamic walking stability. To stable walking of a biped robot, legs's trajectory and a desired ZMP trajectory is required, balancing weight's movement is solved by FDM(Finite Difference Method). In this study, optimal index is defined to dynamically static walking of a biped robot, and optimization of via points is applied by GA(Genetic Algorithm).
