고정화된 Pantoea aggromerans에 의한 토양에서의 가용성 인산의 생성

  • 임원봉 (전남대학교 화학공학부, (주)바이오닉스) ;
  • 정귀택 (전남대학교 화학공학부) ;
  • 박노동 (전남대학교 농화학과) ;
  • 윤정한 (전남대학교 자원공학과) ;
  • 김시욱 (조선대학교 환경학부) ;
  • 박돈희 (전남대학교 화학공학부, 전남대학교 생물산업기술연구소, 촉매연구소)
  • 발행 : 2002.04.12


This experimental shows the possibility of using as biofertilizer, which convert insoluble inorganic phosphate salts to plant-usable phosphate type by immobilized microorganism with calcium alginate. In the case of culture of P. agglomerans on constant medium pH, phosphate was produced 357 mg/L after 18hrs. And in the case of culture of immobilzed P. agglomerans bead, phosphate was produced maximum 295.6 mg/L after 120 hrs. Also as using rock phosphate as insoluble phosphate salts, phosphate was respectably produced 190.3 and 195.2 mg/L after 36 hrs at free cells and immobilized cells. In our experiments, the using soils contained 23.16 g-P/kg-soil total phosphate and 3.76 g-P/kg-soil soluble phosphate. The result of 1g immobilized bead seeding, soluble phosphate was produced maximum 6.14 g-P/kg-soil phosphate and this value was increased continuously.
