Effect of Korea Red Ginseng on the Symptoms and Hemodynamics in Healthy Elders

  • 발행 : 2002.10.01


Clinical study on hemodynamics of healthy elders before and after tread mill. Using doubleblind, placebo-controlled study design. Seventy-five 50-70 years old volunteers without organic disease were divided into two groups, Ginseng group and control group. Each subject was received 3 g Korea Red Ginseng (KRG) capsules or placebo per day for 4 weeks. Before and after administration 4 weeks, the symptoms were asked and hemodynamics parameter such as pump function, systolic function, preload and afterload were recorded before and after tread mill 1,5, 10 minutes by the method of thoracic impedance cardiograph. The result showed that Ginseng could improve quality of life, had obvious effect of increasing PEP (pre-ejection period), PEP/LVET (pre-ejection period/left ventricular ejection period), PCWP (wedged pressure pulmonary capillary). The change rate of HR (heart rate), SV (stroke volume) in KRG group were much lowered, while EF (ejection fraction), LVET (left ventricular ejection period), LVEDP (left ventricular end diastolic pressure) was recovered much quickly. The circulation showed Ginseng could improve the quality of life though its promoting circulation function which are increasing both the systolic function and the preload.
