분할격자법을 이용한 초고압 가스차단기 유동해석

The Application of Cartesian Cut Cell Method for a High-Voltage GCB

  • 발행 : 2002.08.01


It is important to develop new effective technologies for increasing the interruption capacity and reducing the size of a GCB (Gas Circuit Breaker). It is not easy to test the real GCB model in practice as in theory. Therefore, a simulation tool based on a CFD (Computational Fluid Dynamics) algorithm has been developed to facilitate an optimization of the interrupter. But the choice of grid is not at all trivial in the complicated geometries like a GCB. In this paper, we have applied a CFD-CAD integration using Cartesian cut-cell method, which is one of the grid generation techniques for dealing with complex and multi-component geometries.
