Study on the Security-Constrained Optimal Power Flow

상정사고를 고려한 최적조류계산 연구

  • Choi, Kil (Department of Electrical & Electronic Eng. Anyang University) ;
  • Won, Jong-Ryul (Department of Electrical & Electronic Eng. Anyang University)
  • 최길 (안양대학교 전기전자공학과 전력계통연구실) ;
  • 원종률 (안양대학교 전기전자공학과 전력계통연구실)
  • Published : 2002.11.15


This paper proposes a MATLAB program for solving security-constrained optimal power flow using linear programming. Security-constrained optimal power flow can find an optimal generation satisfying bus voltage limits, line flow limits, reactive generation limits, even if contingency occurs. Sensitivity matrixes are obtained based on power flow solutions with and without single line contingency. This program is tested for an IEEE 14bus system with 5 generators Results shows good ability of finding optimal solution in case of a single line contingency.
