영어 발화의 재구조와 후-어휘 음운현상의 지도

Teaching English Restructuring and Post-lexical Phenomena

  • 발행 : 2002.11.01


English is one of the stress-timed languages and has much more dynamic rhythm, stress and the tendency toward the isochronism of stressed syllables. It goes with various English utterance restructuring, irrespective of the pauses by syntactic boundaries, and post-lexically phonological phenomena. Specifically in the real speech acts, the natural utterances of fluent speakers or the broadcasting speech cause much more various English restructuring and phonological phenomena. This has been an obstacle for students in speaking fluent English and understanding normal speech. Therefore, this study tried to focus the most problematic factor in English speaking and listening difficulty on English restructuring and post-lexically phonological phenomena caused by stress-timed rhythm and, second, to point out the importance of teaching English rhythm bearing that in mind.
