휨피로시험을 이용한 포장용 콘크리트의 피로해석

Fatigue Analysis of Pavement Concrete by Flexural Fatigue Test

  • 발행 : 2002.10.01


The purpose of this research was to obtain fatigue property of pavement concrete by flexural fatigue test. The size of specimen used in fatigue tests was 10$\times$10$\times$46cm. The specimens of pavement concrete were fabricated using the concrete at job site. The fatigue tests were performed by applying into a constant amplitude loading. The flexural fatigue tests were performed by stress levels of 90%, 80%, 70% and 60%, and stress ratio of 0.1. From this research, the S-N relationship, S-N-P relationship were derived and Weibull probability density functions was plotted using the distribution parameters.
