Canine Necropsy Dissection Procedures

  • Cho, Doo-Youn (School of Veterinary Medicine Louisiana State University)
  • Published : 2002.11.01


Dogs are laid on their left sides (Puppies may be placed on their back). 1. Lift the right forelimb, insert the knife in the axillary region, and cut its muscular attachment to thorax. Reflect the limb dorsally until it lays flat on the table. 2. Lift the right hindlimb, cut the inguinal area skin and the adductor muscles, and disarticulate the coxofemoral joint. Reflect the limb dorsally until it lays flat on the table. 3. A midline skin incision is made from the symphysis of the mandible to the anus, circumventing the umbilicus and male external genitalia. (omitted)
