강관 코아 합성 중공 기둥의 연성 거동 연구

Ductility of Circular Hollow Columns with Internal Steel Tube

  • 발행 : 2002.05.01


In locations where the cost or concrete is relatively high, or in situations where the weight or concrete members is to be kept to a minimum, it may be economical to use hollow reinforced concrete vertical members. Hollow reinforced concrete columns with low axial load, moderate longitudinal steel percentage, and a reasonably thick wall were found to perform in a ductile manner at the flexural strength, similar to solid columns. However, hollow reinforced concrete columns with high axial load, high longitudinal steel percentage, and a thin wall were found to behave in a brittle manner at the flexural strength, since the neutral axis is forced to occur away from the inside face of the tube towards the section centroid and, as a result, crushing of concrete occurs near the unconfined inside face of the section. If, however, a steel tube is placed near the inside face of a circular hollow column, the column can be expected not to fail in a brittle manner by disintegration of the concrete in the compression zone. Design recommendation and example by moment-curvature analysis program for curvature ductility are presented. Theoretical moment-curvature analysis for reinforced concrete columns, indicating the available flexural strength and ductility, can be conducted providing the stress-strain relation for the concrete and steel are known. In this paper, a unified stress-stain model for confined concrete by Mander is developed for members with circular sections.
