A Preview of the Valid Natural Tooth Implantation(NTI) Related with Periodontal Diseases

  • 발행 : 2002.11.01


For about half a century. dental implants made of titanium have developed as a method of restoration for the tooth loss. In these days. the titanium implants seem to be considered as the alternative for the conventional prosthodontics. But its hard to say that the titanium implants are superior to the treatments that preserve the natural tooth. As this is a general opinion among dentists. the implant will not be able to be the alternative for all the prosthetic treatments. Clinically, there are many causes for extracting tooth. The severe destruction of the tooth structure or periodontal diseases leads to inevitable tooth extraction. When the complete cure is doubtful because of narrow intraoral visibility and improper accessibility in approaching to the tooth and periodontal lesion, we. clinicians often inevitably extract tooth. Passive treatments like conventional restoration, curettage or surgical flap cant be the perfect treatments for the tooth that has subgingival root caries or severe periodontal diseases involved furcation. Many clinicians might have been forced to pull out the relatively healthy tooth by the difficulties of approaching to the lesions and poor prognosis. Though the intentional tooth replantation is performed sometimes. as it doesnt have enough scientific foundation. it has not been considered as a popular treatment method yet. I have been felt keenly the necessity of positive tooth preservation, so I have been attempting the treatment that has new concept. calling Natural Tooth Implantation (NTI) clinically. NTI differs from the tooth replantation in the goal for the treatment and biological healing process. Now. I confirm that NT! is a very positive and valid method of tooth preservation. Like you can get from the name. NTI is the dental implant procedure using natural teeth and similar to the healing process of the titanium implants in many aspects. I have been using biocompatible composite resin. DRM. with NTI and got affirmative clinical results from that. So I would like to introduce.roduce.
