정보화 시공에서 Feed Back Analysis (터널, 암반사면, 지반굴착 등 Hard Material 사례중심으로)

The Role of Feed Back Analysis in Observational Method

  • 김학문 (단국대학교 토목환경공학과)
  • 발행 : 2002.10.01


The important role of observational method in geotechnical engineering are emphasized together with the direction of future development, concerning successful application of the technique on the site investigation, design and feed back at various construction stages. Case histories on the application of feed back are introduced in order to achieve the most economical and reliable construction for tunnel, rock slope and deep excavations through feed back system at design and construction stages. Also the limitations and advantages of the observational method and the role of feed back system are discussed for construction of tunnel, rock slope and deep excavation in hard ground such as layered ground conditions including weathered, soft and hard rocks.
