그라우팅 설계를 위한 절리밀도분포 산출법 개발

Evaluation of fracture density distribution for the design of grouting works in fractured rocks

  • 발행 : 2002.03.01


To facilitate a drilling plan for grouting in fractured rock, an algorithm of practical use associated with a new term “fracture density distribution”or“fracture tomogram”is developed. It is well known that Televiewer data(amplitude and traveltime image) provide detailed information about not only dip and dip direction of each fracture but also its aperture size estimated by an appropriate evaluation algorithm. A selected plane section of medium around a borehole or the cross section between two boreholes is discretized into a two dimensional grid of cells(rectangular elements). As each elongated(straight) fracture passes through the cells, the corresponding aperture size value is successively summed up in each cell, depending on the fracture length segment. In this, the fracture lines can be determined by intersecting of each fracture plane with the selected plane section. If the fracture line does not pass through a particular grid element, the segment length is set to zero. The final value(aperture size value of each cell) derived from all the detected fractures constitutes the fracture density distribution of the selected plane section, Field examples are illustrated, which will prove the benefit of the suggested algorithm for several kinds of grouting works.
