Study on 3-D Physical Modeling for the Inspection of Tunnel Lining Structure by using Ultrasonic Reflection Method

터널 지보구조 진단을 위한 초음파 반사법을 이용한 3차원 모형실험 연구

  • Published : 2002.03.01


Thickness of concrete lining, voids at the back of lining or shotcrete are very important elements for inspecting the safety of tunnels. Therefore, the inspection of tunnel lining structure means to investigate the inner layer boundaries of the structure. For this purpose, seismic reflection survey is the most desirable method if it works in good conditions. However, the conventional seismic reflection method can not be properly used for investigating thin layers in the lining structure. In other words, to detect the inner boundaries, it is desirable for the wavelength of source to be less than the thickness of each layer and for the receiver to be capable of detecting high frequency(ultrasonic) signals. To this end, new appropriate source and receiver devices should be developed above all for the ultrasonic reflection survey. This paper deals primarily with the development of source and receiver devices which are essential parts of field measuring system. Interests are above all centered in both the radiation pattern, energy, frequency content of the source and the directional sensitivity of the receiver. With these newly devised ones, ultrasonic physical modeling has been performed on 3-D physical model composed of bakelite, water-proof and concrete, The measured seismograms showed a clear separation of wave arrivals reflected from each layer boundary. Furthermore, it is noteworthy that reflection events from the bottom of concrete below water-proof could be also observed. This result demonstrates the usefulness of the both devices that can be applied to benefit the ultrasonic reflection survey. Future research is being focus on dealing with at first an optimal configuration of source and receiver devices well coupled to tunnel wall, and further an efficient data control system of practical use.
