웨이브렛을 이용한 제로트리 양자화 이미지 코딩기법 연구

Zerotree Quantized Image Coding using Wavelet

  • 이양원 (호남대학교 정보통신공학과)
  • 발행 : 2002.05.01


Recently efficient image coding using zerotree have been proposed. In these methods, the locations of nonzero wavelet coefficient are enrolled with a tree structure, called zerotree, which ran exploit the self-similarity of the wavelet pyramid decomposition across different scales. These are very especially in low bit rate image coding. In this paper, two zerotree image rolling algorithm, EZW and SPHIT are briefly introduced, and a new zerotree searching scheme is proposed to emphasize the significance of a wavelet coefficient by its orientation as well as its scale.
