The Application of Satellite Positioning Technology and its Industrialization in China

  • Lizhong, Zheng (National Remote Sensing Center, Ministry of Science and Technology (MOST)) ;
  • Xiuwan, Chen (National Remote Sensing Center, Ministry of Science and Technology (MOST), Institute of Remote Sensing and GIS, Peking University)
  • 발행 : 2002.10.01


Satellite positioning technology has been widely used in all kinds of military and civil land, marine, space and aeronautical target positioning tasks, navigation activities and accurate surveying measurements since 90s in the last century due to it advantage in providing all-weather, real-time, three dimensional and high precision positioning information, as well as speed and accurate timing information. By now, it has already formed a new hi-tech industry basically. This paper briefly reviews the development of the global satellite positioning and navigation technologies including the basic information of China′s "Plough navigation system", introduces the history of satellite positioning technology and its major application fields as well as the status quo of this being industrialized trade in China, gives an account of the writers′ vision for the application and prospect of the satellite positioning technologies in China, and approaches the tactics and stresses of the satellite positioning technology′s application and its industrialization future in China.
