마그네트 천장크레인의 최적설계와 직교배열을 이용한 민감도 분석

The Optimum Design of Magnet Over Head Crane and the Sensitivity Analysis for Orthogonal Array

  • 노영희 (동아대 대학원 기계공학과) ;
  • 홍도관 (동아대 대학원 기계공학과) ;
  • 최석창 (창원전문대학 기계설계과) ;
  • 안찬우 (동아대 기계산업 시스템공학부) ;
  • 한근조 (동아대 기계산업 시스템공학부)
  • 발행 : 2002.05.01


In this study, structural optimum design was applied to the girder of magnet over head crane. The optimization was carried out using ANSYS Code for the deadweight of girder, especially focused on the thickness of its upper, lower, side and reinforced plates. The weight could be reduced up to around 15% with constraints of its deformation, stress, natural frequency and buckling strength. The structural safety was also verified by the buckling analysis of its panel structure. It might be thought to be very useful to design the conventional structures for the weight save through the structural optimization. The objective function and restricted function were estimated by the orthogonal array, and the sensitivity analysis of design variable fur that was operated.
