잔열제거계통 모터구동밸브의 압력잠김 및 열고착 현상 분석

Pressure Locking and Thermal Binding Analysis of the RHR Motor Operated Valve

  • 발행 : 2001.06.27


The stem thrust required to unwedging a gate valve is influenced by the pressure and temperature when the valve is closed and by the changes in these conditions between closure and opening. "Pressure Locking" and "Thennal Binding" refer to situations where pressure and temperature effects cause the unwedging load to be much higher than normal. A model of these phenomena has been developed. The effects of pressure and temperature are analyzed to determine the change in this disk-to-seat "interference". Flexibilities or Stiffness of the disk and body strongly influence the unwedging thrust. Calculation and limited comparison to data have been performed for the RHR motor operated valve designs and scenario. Pressure changes can increase the unwedging thrust when bonnet pressure exceeds the pressure in the adjacent piping and temperature changes can increase the unwedging thrust when a temperature change after closure produces an increase in the disk-to-seat interference.
