한국기계연구원의 열유체환경기술 개발현황

R&D on Thermal, Fluid, and Environmental Engineering Technology in KIMM

  • 김석준 (한국기계연구원 열유체환경연구부장)
  • 발행 : 2001.06.27


To solve the problems of energy and environment conservation issued recently, mainly in mechanical engineering point of view, R&D's on the thermal, fluid and environmental engineering technology have been carried out by two R&D departments in the Korea Institute of Machinery & Materials (KIMM). Now there are 65 researchers in the two. The representative projects in the field of thermal and fluid engineering are development of an inactive gas generator and development of a cryogenic cooler for electronic sensors. Pyrolysis and melting of wastes, gas treatment using nonthermal plasma, and desalination are important technology to be developed in environmental R&D areas. To reduce the emission from the existing diesel engines for buses, an LPG direct injection type of bus engine is being developed supported by LPG supply companies. These several R&D projects which have been carried out in KIMM are introduced briefly.
