Temperature Field Measurements of Hele-Shaw Convection Cell Using a Holographic Interferometry

홀로그래픽 간섭계를 이용한 Hele-Shaw Convection Cell 내부 온도장 측정

  • 김석 (포항공과대학교 대학원 기계공학과) ;
  • 이상준 (포항공과대학교 기계공학과)
  • Published : 2001.06.27


Variations of temperature field in a Hele-Shaw convection cell (HSC) were measured using a holographic interferometry with varying Rayleigh number. Experimental results show a steady flow pattern at low Rayleigh numbers and a time-dependent periodic flow at high Rayleigh numbers. Especially, the period of oscillation at $Ra = 6.35{\times}10^6$ was 62 seconds. Two different measurement methods of holographic interferometry, double-exposure method and real-time method, were employed to measure the temperature field variations of HSC convective flow. In the double-exposure method, unwanted waves can be eliminated and reconstruction images are clear, but transient flow structure cannot be observed clearly. On the other hand, transient flow can be observed and reconstructed well using the real-time method. However, the fringe patterns reconstructed by the real-time method contain more noise, compared with the double-exposure method. The two holographic interferometer techniques employed complementary in this study were proved to be useful for analyzing the temperature field variations of unsteady thermal fluid flows.
