한국복합재료학회:학술대회논문집 (Proceedings of the Korean Society For Composite Materials Conference)
- 한국복합재료학회 2001년도 추계학술발표대회 논문집
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- Pages.179-182
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- 2001
난연성 복합적층재의 저속충격특성
Low velocity Impact Characteristics of Non-flamable Composite Laminates
Impacter tester was build of to evaluate the characterization of non-flamable Glass/phenol laminate plates under the low velocity impact. The damage of composite laminates are matrix cracking, delamination, and fiber breakage for impact energy. In this study, this is to find impact properties of Glass/phenol in used in a forehead part of lighting subway. To determine impact damage characteristics which is made in a laminate, use the UT C-scan after- macrography. And then evaluated the reduction of strength in a rate of impact energy with CAI(Compression After Impact) test