Development of the Object-Oriented Virtual PLC Framework

  • 발행 : 2001.10.01


To remove the logical error inexpensively, in this paper, we propose new concept of VPLF(Virtual PLC Framework) which consists of VPLE(Virtual PLC Editor), Virtual Machine(Virtual Machine), VMC(Virtual Machine Control panel), Virtual PLC Program Editor(VPLPE) and Object Inspector. VPLC is for PLC hardware and software and VM is for the target to be controlled. VPLC has an individual editor and the screen of configuration. With using individual editor in VPLC, we can edit and compile to PLC ladder program. In VM, there are many kinds of object for machine elements, actuator, sensor and so on. The VPLC and VM are interlinked each other and controlled by the PLC program in real time. So, we can get the powerful realization as the machine is ...
