The Comparison of Waste Home Appliances Recycling System in Japan, Korea, and Taiwan - From an Extended Producer Responsibility (EPR) Perspective-

  • Murakami, Rie (Graduate School of Social and Cultural Studies, Kyushu University)
  • 발행 : 2001.10.01


Although Japan, Korea, and Taiwan are all East Asian countries, there are marked differences in the recycling policies, motivations, and methodologies of each country. One reflection of differences is the approaches each country has taken toward the OECD proposal for Extended Producer Responsibility (EPR). I consider the relationship of local governments and producers for Japan, Korea, and Taiwan from the perspective of EPR. First, I provide an outline of the establishment of waste home appliances (WHA) recycling systems. And then, consider the responsibility of related subjects. Lastly, I prepare the differences of EFR concept of each country.
